– Our Mission –
Empower Retailers with tools to sell more game and hobby products.
CrystalCommerce is designed to help small brick and mortar, game and hobby stores worldwide. Take advantage of a dedicated system that helps them sell in-store and online, using group leverage that has automated pricing, so you always have the right price for the secondary market items. Your business never closes. You have the ability to sell across many channels at the same time, and you can actually fulfill, and ship your products through automated label printing. You have the ability to build and grow your brand and connect families and friends face to face playing games and having fun while also building a profitable business that has long-term growth and prosperity.
From Magic Arsenal
I initially built what has become CrystalCommerce to use for my previous business, Magic Arsenal. I wanted to help my friends and other game and hobby retailers in the industry. I had built a great competitive advantage, however, I realized that my greatest satisfaction came from helping others. That’s how I got into the (game and hobby) industry to begin with; helping people find things that they are looking for and seeing that smile on their face when getting it to them.
Helping Other Retailers
As the company grew, I knew I needed to re-write the software to scale and the software I was using needed to become a service for others. Going forward, when I added something awesome, it will be awesome for everybody, and that was a big motivator. I thought this was a way where I could help even the smallest game stores or someone who aspires to help others collect and play games with their friends and families.
To Connecting Communities
Giving them a leg up and giving them a competitive advantage would help them build their business. The same technology can be decentralized and given to thousands of businesses, allowing them to run their businesses more efficiently and make them more money. CrystalCommerce is the platform with this desire and ability to connect the community together and help stores take utilize technology in a new way.
After using the software with Magic Arsenal and talking to friends within the industry, I realized that doing it for myself wasn’t what I really wanted. I wanted to help my friends and others like myself in the industry.
– Our Mission –
Help and guide us directly to the right path of every decision we make on a daily basis as well as our long-term goals.
Driven by more than our paychecks, we love our members and are aligned each day to create the biggest economic return for members within our ecosystem. Our opportunity to help others win is driving our WHY, this is our best possible path to impact all people worldwide.
Helping members do more with less cost. We value helping save our Members time and finding ways to make them more money.
We understand WHY we help member businesses. When the team is passionate, it really taps into our community network and our collective creativity to deliver more time and money to members.
Delivering wins and engaging with Members to help them achieve their goals of selling more games and growing the community.
When in doubt about tactics to achieve goals, ask Members and Teammates for solution-oriented feedback about tactics that drive that 1-number goal of selling more games, more effectively.
– The Team Behind the Actions –
Today, CrystalCommerce empowers over 700 dedicated, hardworking, and passionate Game and Hobby Retailers.

Meet Our Humble Team
Amazing products are nothing without the people behind them.




