Here’s a support question we got recently, that I thought would be beneficial for everyone to know about.
“The commission from 3rd Party sales channels is often taken off of the total amount of the order, including shipping. Does CrystalCommerce’s 2.5% transaction fee work the same way?”
Our 2.5% is only charged on the subtotal of the items in the order. We don’t take a percentage of the sales tax or shipping. This includes our fees on orders from other sales channels. Regardless of where the order originates from, the percentage of our transaction fees are only taken from the line items, and don’t include tax or shipping.
Also, on certain sales channels, like Amazon or eBay, you can list products directly through them (as opposed to listing them through our system). Even though orders containing these items still appear in CrystalCommerce, we will not charge our transaction fees for those items.