The best selling Final Fantasy TCG Promo cards and where to find them!

Visit your local game store and have a chance at obtaining these unique promotional cards!

Final Fantasy TCG fans will know that their local game stores will hand our promotional cards at their store events!

The Final Fantasy TCG Promo cards you can obtain can have a slight art variation of an original card, or a Full Art version and even Alternate Art versions!

For me, Final Fantasy IV is still my favourite RPG ever and cards like these make me love this TCG even more!

Rydia – PR-051/11-???

Yang – PR-037/5-095H

Cecil – PR-010/1-108H – Alternate Art Promo

These are also a brilliant way to introduce newcomers to this game!

Here are some other best selling promos you can find at your local game store!

Illua – PR-046/5-099H

Nael – PR-052/9-014L – Foil

The Nael promo is actually found in the Opus IX booster box as a buy-a-box promo!

Final Fantasy TCG Opus IX: Lords & Chaos Booster Box

Cloud EX – PR-044/8-006L – Foil

And our friend Cloud here is actually part of the Opux VIII buy-a-box promo!

Final Fantasy TCG Opus VIII Collection Booster Box

Lightning EX – PR-022/3-118H – Foil – Alternate Art Promo

Yuna – PR-041/1-176H

Wol – PR-032/5-146H

Bahamut – PR-043/8-015H – Foil – Prerelease Promo

Some promo cards are found when you purchase a Prerelease Kit! Create a deck and challenge friends with the latest cards!

Opus VIII Prerelease Kit

Kam’Ianaut – PR-042/5-148H

Yuri – PR-036/7-128H – Foil – Prerelease Promo

Yuri here came from the Opus VII Prerelease kit. Of note, this kit comes with a FFTCG Deck box (Black in the USA, but White in Europe). Make sure to check if your Local Game Store has one in stock!

Opus VII Prerelease Kit

Marche – PR-033/4-020R

If you have any friends still on the fence for this game, I highly recommend you show them this blog and the wonderful Final Fantasy artwork!

And if they are still unconvinced, divert their attention to next year where FFTCG will bring the next exciting Two-player Starter Set to the mainstream!

Cloud vs Sephiroth Two Player Starter Set

Make sure you find and build your own FFTCG gaming community and as always, happy gaming at your local game store!

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