Terminate your enemies this Fall with Terminator: Dark Fate – The Card Game!

Hello members! An exciting new game is coming out this Fall: Terminator: Dark Fate – The Card Game!

Terminator: Dark Fate – The Card Game

Terminator: Dark Fate is a co-operative deck building card game in which players work together to try and defeat the unfeeling Rev-9. Players will scramble for resources and weapons so they can fend off the Terminator long enough to find some way to destroy it. Each time the Rev-9 finds you marks an important decision: you must choose whether you will flee or whether you will fight. Fighting is dangerous, as it allows the Rev-9 to inflict crippling wounds on your deck, but if you flee without doing enough damage, you know that the Rev-9 is waiting just around the corner!

Here are some other Terminator- related products to get you excited as we get closer to the release of the highly anticipated movie!


Terminator: The Official Board Game

Terminator 2: Judgment Day Nuclear Twilight 3 Judgment Impaired

Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Aliens Versus Predator Versus Terminator 1

Terminator 2 T-800 Hd Masterpiece Action Figure

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