One final voyage into this set! Trainers, get ready for battle!
We hope everyone had a wonderful prerelease weekend! Get ready, as the fun doesn’t end there! Cosmic Eclipse officially releases this Friday!
To start off, have a look and see which local game store has the prerelease cards in stock! (as well as the non-holo rare of this set!)
Buzzwole - SM218 - Prerelease Promo - SM Black Star Promo
Buzzwole - SM218 - Staff Prerelease Promo - SM Black Star Promo
Entei - SM219 - Prerelease Promo - SM Black Star Promo
Entei - SM219 - Staff Prerelease Promo - SM Black Star Promo
Phione - SM220 - Prerelease Promo - SM Black Star Promo
Phione - SM220 - Staff Prerelease Promo - SM Black Star Promo
Blacephalon - SM221 - Prerelease Promo - SM Black Star Promo
Blacephalon - SM221 - Staff Prerelease Promo - SM Black Star Promo
Rosa - 204/236 - Rare - Non-Holo Theme Deck Exclusive
Without further ado, have a look at the top selling cards in this set thus far!
Cynthia & Caitlin - 189/236 - Uncommon
Tag Call - 206/236 - Uncommon
Chaotic Swell - 187/236 - Uncommon
Great Catcher - 192/236 - Uncommon
Red & Blue - 202/236 - Uncommon
Guzma & Hala - 193/236 - Uncommon
Mallow & Lana - 198/236 - Uncommon
N's Resolve - 200/236 - Uncommon
Mimikyu - 97/236 - Rare
Professor Oak's Setting - 201/236 - Uncommon
This set is sure to go down a storm at your local game store, so make sure you get those event tickets and have some fun Pokemon Battles!
Happy Gaming fellow Trainers!